Top 10 Trending Keywords in .COM and .NET Registrations for October

Verisign has released their Top 10 Trending .COM and .NET English Keywords for October 2018. These are the most popular domain registration keywords used during the month, and can help give us an inside view of the hottest trends, news, styles, events, and even people, as it applies to registered .COM and .NET domain names.

In last month’s keyword list, the Versign blog was another treasure trove of generic terms like ASSET, ORGANIC, SETS, SUSTAIN, FIBER, and our old favorite MARIJUANA. There were also a few specific terms like PLEX and KRATOM on last month’s blog, as well as some cross-pollination between the two September keyword lists, but from a very strange place, as CANE and FLORENCE appeared on both.

In October, the .COM registrations follow along similar lines, as two extremely common business terms, CORPORATION and LIMITED, head the list, followed by RARE, INDY, FLAG, and DRUG. As opposed to last week, there are no GEO or product-specific domains (other than ISTANBUL) and it’s a consistent generic-keyword fest this month.

The .NET section of the keyword chart begins in a very similar manner, with STUDIO topping the list, “just’ ahead of other generic keywords like JUST, VERY, SOUL, CODE, and BEACH, while the ever-popular MARIJUANA was smoking up the bottom of the chart.

Even Canada’s legalization of the ganja man’s devil weed couldn’t bring any MARIJUANA cross-pollination to these lists, and we’re back to a very strict delineation between the two. Even so, there is definitely a consistent trend towards more generic terms this month, and we don’t have any of the potential TM issues of last time, so that’s something.


Verisign Top 10 Trending Keywords October 2018

The original Blog post can be found here.