Top 10 Trending Keywords in .COM and .NET Registrations for April

Verisign has released their Top 10 Trending .COM and .NET English Keywords for April 2019. These are the most popular domain registration keywords used during the month, and can help give us an inside view of the hottest trends, news, styles, events, and even people, as it applies to registered .COM and .NET domain names.

In last month’s keyword list, the Versign blog featured a wide variety of influences, from big tech announcements (STADIA, APPLE) to cryptocurrency-related topics (BLOCKCHAIN, CHAIN) to more generic terms like STORY, CORK, EDGE, and ASSISTANCE. The differences between the .COM and .NET charts were not that stark, but for the first time in 3 months, there were no shared keywords between the two.

In April, the .COM keyword list has one very obvious trend, and it should be easy to see just by looking at terms like DRUG, ALCOHOL, ADDICTION, REHAB, and CENTERS. Figured it out yet? There is no question that drug and alcohol addiction has reached a critical mass affecting millions (especially the opioid crisis) and it looks like this has finally hit the cultural zeitgeist. leading to a significant uptick in .COM registrations. The other prominent keywords included MATERIALS and RATED, which could be related to the construction or home renovation industries, along with the more generic BLUES and WHEN. Again, it’s quite clear that drug and alcohol addiction and treatment is the .COM trend for this month.

The .NET section of the keyword list is a total departure from the .COM list, and there isn’t a single drug or alcohol-related term on here. Instead, we start out with keywords like FREEDOM, REPRO, and EARTH, some of which could relate to the burgeoning world population and high reproduction rates, while NAMES, BUYER, SELLER, and GOODS could also have direct links to Domain Name Sales and eCommerce in general. The others are DUCT, TELL, and MEGA, and from this, it’s very difficult to peg any real trend to the .NET keywords without some level of conjecture. It is very interesting how the two keyword lists turned out to be so totally different.

Last month we had similarities between the .COM and .NET lists, but for the first time in three months there were no shared terms. The cross-pollination was obviously not in play this month and the two sets of keywords couldn’t be more different.


Verisign Top 10 Trending Keywords – April 2019

The original Blog post can be found here.