Potentially-Undervalued GoDaddy Expired Domain Recap
This expired domain auction recap utilizes two primary data points, the Valuation that GoDaddy Appraisals has placed on this domain name and the current Price of the auction, with the default sort being the difference between these two monetary values (V-P). But as domain name appraisal is far from an exact science and you should perform your own research and due diligence before making any purchase.
The Value-Price (The Domain Valuation minus the Auction Price) benchmark represents the portion of the GoDaddy Valuation that is left over after subtracting the Price – the larger the number, the more potentially-undervalued the domain may be. The relative position or ranking of each domain is the key metric, not the exact dollar amount.
The bid and pricing data is only precise at the time of publishing and this information can change quickly, so please click on the provided domain auction links to view the current price and availability of each listing, or to place a bid.
Domains with 2+ Bids
This section covers the potentially-undervalued domain auctions that have at least 2 bids, demonstrating that there is current demand for this listing and it has been active long enough to attract multiple buyers. Due to these criteria, many of the popular GoDaddy auctions will appear on this list.
Stand.net ⟶ $12,746 Value-Price ☆ 33 Bids ☆ 26-Year Age ☆ $830 Price ☆ [Bid]
Executive.io ⟶ $12,701 Value-Price ☆ 16 Bids ☆ 5-Year Age ☆ $90 Price ☆ [Bid]
VSAT.com ⟶ $12,077 Value-Price ☆ 62 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $2,625 Price ☆ [Bid]
MDKS.com ⟶ $10,975 Value-Price ☆ 24 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $306 Price ☆ [Bid]
Secondly.com ⟶ $10,957 Value-Price ☆ 37 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $1,210 Price ☆ [Bid]
Powerhome.com ⟶ $10,724 Value-Price ☆ 41 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $1,675 Price ☆ [Bid]
Helma.com ⟶ $10,187 Value-Price ☆ 25 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $2,222 Price ☆ [Bid]
HRDC.com ⟶ $10,186 Value-Price ☆ 27 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $1,315 Price ☆ [Bid]
EIOS.com ⟶ $10,165 Value-Price ☆ 68 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $2,026 Price ☆ [Bid]
Freedomworld.com ⟶ $9,977 Value-Price ☆ 22 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $333 Price ☆ [Bid]
Firstclub.com ⟶ $9,973 Value-Price ☆ 28 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $1,151 Price ☆ [Bid]
Stakk.com ⟶ $9,791 Value-Price ☆ 31 Bids ☆ 17-Year Age ☆ $1,536 Price ☆ [Bid]
Teologia.com ⟶ $9,691 Value-Price ☆ 25 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $205 Price ☆ [Bid]
Investmentportfolio.com ⟶ $9,688 Value-Price ☆ 58 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $511 Price ☆ [Bid]
APME.com ⟶ $9,541 Value-Price ☆ 21 Bids ☆ 28-Year Age ☆ $1,875 Price ☆ [Bid]
Sunsetfarm.com ⟶ $9,241 Value-Price ☆ 6 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $101 Price ☆ [Bid]
Amics.com ⟶ $9,159 Value-Price ☆ 34 Bids ☆ 26-Year Age ☆ $511 Price ☆ [Bid]
ISPC.com ⟶ $9,118 Value-Price ☆ 21 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $1,691 Price ☆ [Bid]
Keycon.com ⟶ $9,032 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $531 Price ☆ [Bid]
Stockit.com ⟶ $9,023 Value-Price ☆ 44 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $1,076 Price ☆ [Bid]
Spamcop.com ⟶ $8,925 Value-Price ☆ 27 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $1,600 Price ☆ [Bid]
Salespartner.com ⟶ $8,868 Value-Price ☆ 38 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $1,702 Price ☆ [Bid]
Freeindex.com ⟶ $8,846 Value-Price ☆ 13 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $225 Price ☆ [Bid]
Arkiv.com ⟶ $8,719 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $30 Price ☆ [Bid]
Coldcomfort.com ⟶ $8,503 Value-Price ☆ 7 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $155 Price ☆ [Bid]
Mysupplies.com ⟶ $8,402 Value-Price ☆ 41 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $480 Price ☆ [Bid]
Metali.com ⟶ $8,397 Value-Price ☆ 41 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $632 Price ☆ [Bid]
Mountfield.com ⟶ $8,351 Value-Price ☆ 43 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $2,325 Price ☆ [Bid]
Sinfonietta.com ⟶ $8,221 Value-Price ☆ 20 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $128 Price ☆ [Bid]
Powerstart.com ⟶ $8,129 Value-Price ☆ 32 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $511 Price ☆ [Bid]
Jporn.com ⟶ $8,119 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $15 Price ☆ [Bid]
Elinq.com ⟶ $8,098 Value-Price ☆ 8 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $42 Price ☆ [Bid]
Altaqwa.com ⟶ $8,032 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $106 Price ☆ [Bid]
Catsndogs.com ⟶ $7,959 Value-Price ☆ 8 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $255 Price ☆ [Bid]
Labelexpress.com ⟶ $7,951 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 28-Year Age ☆ $350 Price ☆ [Bid]
BBJ.org ⟶ $7,922 Value-Price ☆ 17 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $190 Price ☆ [Bid]
Simplymarketing.com ⟶ $7,828 Value-Price ☆ 17 Bids ☆ 21-Year Age ☆ $85 Price ☆ [Bid]
Gosummit.com ⟶ $7,714 Value-Price ☆ 16 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $185 Price ☆ [Bid]
DRS.io ⟶ $7,660 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 6-Year Age ☆ $22 Price ☆ [Bid]
Pharmabank.com ⟶ $7,604 Value-Price ☆ 13 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $165 Price ☆ [Bid]
Gamenode.com ⟶ $7,320 Value-Price ☆ 19 Bids ☆ 21-Year Age ☆ $295 Price ☆ [Bid]
Picbook.com ⟶ $7,263 Value-Price ☆ 42 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $800 Price ☆ [Bid]
Buyamericanmade.com ⟶ $7,207 Value-Price ☆ 6 Bids ☆ 18-Year Age ☆ $60 Price ☆ [Bid]
Moneychat.com ⟶ $7,176 Value-Price ☆ 62 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $2,025 Price ☆ [Bid]
Tessler.com ⟶ $7,158 Value-Price ☆ 15 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $306 Price ☆ [Bid]
Mediamogul.com ⟶ $7,144 Value-Price ☆ 27 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $245 Price ☆ [Bid]
Siwak.com ⟶ $7,024 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $35 Price ☆ [Bid]
Greenshark.com ⟶ $6,973 Value-Price ☆ 98 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $2,036 Price ☆ [Bid]
Veryserious.com ⟶ $6,955 Value-Price ☆ 19 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $501 Price ☆ [Bid]
Ruralamerica.com ⟶ $6,948 Value-Price ☆ 6 Bids ☆ 4-Year Age ☆ $55 Price ☆ [Bid]
2 to 3-Character Domains
The 2 to 3-character segment of the market is a very hot one and although expired LLL.COM domains are rare, the lower end of this market still offers a lot of value to the right buyer. We also include available LL/CC/CCC/NNN + combo domains to provide a wider view of this sector of the domain marketplace.
BBJ.org ⟶ $7,922 Value-Price ☆ 17 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $190 Price ☆ [Bid]
DRS.io ⟶ $7,660 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 6-Year Age ☆ $22 Price ☆ [Bid]
HOO.xyz ⟶ $4,021 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
SOY.tv ⟶ $4,015 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 3-Year Age ☆ $17 Price ☆ [Bid]
JOT.me ⟶ $2,731 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $20 Price ☆ [Bid]
HDS.me ⟶ $2,682 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $15 Price ☆ [Bid]
TRE.me ⟶ $2,280 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $15 Price ☆ [Bid]
ESC.info ⟶ $1,854 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
3UN.com ⟶ $6,741 Value-Price ☆ 34 Bids ☆ 18-Year Age ☆ $300 Price ☆ [Bid]
TX8.com ⟶ $6,090 Value-Price ☆ 121 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $5,000 Price ☆ [Bid]
R0K.com ⟶ $6,003 Value-Price ☆ 37 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $338 Price ☆ [Bid]
E5Z.com ⟶ $4,020 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $175 Price ☆ [Bid]
DT0.com ⟶ $3,605 Value-Price ☆ 32 Bids ☆ 11-Year Age ☆ $305 Price ☆ [Bid]
SB2.org ⟶ $1,933 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 13-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Q79.com ⟶ $5,815 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $3,500 Price ☆ [Bid]
68F.com ⟶ $5,239 Value-Price ☆ 58 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $3,877 Price ☆ [Bid]
88H.org ⟶ $3,917 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
D58.com ⟶ $361 Value-Price ☆ 41 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $10,050 Price ☆ [Bid]
G99.cc ⟶ $306 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 11-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
777.xyz ⟶ $4,271 Value-Price ☆ 11 Bids ☆ 1-Year Age ☆ $60 Price ☆ [Bid]
4-Letter Domains
The 4-letter, or LLLL, marketplace is a very popular one, and this list is mainly comprised of .COM auctions, along with select .NET/.ORG listing, and other random TLDs.
VSAT.com ⟶ $12,077 Value-Price ☆ 62 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $2,625 Price ☆ [Bid]
MDKS.com ⟶ $10,975 Value-Price ☆ 24 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $306 Price ☆ [Bid]
HRDC.com ⟶ $10,186 Value-Price ☆ 27 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $1,315 Price ☆ [Bid]
EIOS.com ⟶ $10,165 Value-Price ☆ 68 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $2,026 Price ☆ [Bid]
APME.com ⟶ $9,541 Value-Price ☆ 21 Bids ☆ 28-Year Age ☆ $1,875 Price ☆ [Bid]
ISPC.com ⟶ $9,118 Value-Price ☆ 21 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $1,691 Price ☆ [Bid]
JAZZ.me ⟶ $6,862 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $25 Price ☆ [Bid]
RCNY.com ⟶ $6,376 Value-Price ☆ 20 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $305 Price ☆ [Bid]
DONE.io ⟶ $5,616 Value-Price ☆ 33 Bids ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $5,049 Price ☆ [Bid]
WHRA.com ⟶ $5,429 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $182 Price ☆ [Bid]
GTKC.com ⟶ $4,999 Value-Price ☆ 23 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $1,117 Price ☆ [Bid]
ELOG.net ⟶ $4,972 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $20 Price ☆ [Bid]
WWHD.com ⟶ $4,603 Value-Price ☆ 10 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $985 Price ☆ [Bid]
RSCV.com ⟶ $4,509 Value-Price ☆ 9 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $1,474 Price ☆ [Bid]
WLSE.com ⟶ $4,149 Value-Price ☆ 18 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $214 Price ☆ [Bid]
KXYZ.com ⟶ $4,002 Value-Price ☆ 17 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $201 Price ☆ [Bid]
KVAT.com ⟶ $3,810 Value-Price ☆ 15 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $1,135 Price ☆ [Bid]
EYFB.com ⟶ $3,706 Value-Price ☆ 9 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $165 Price ☆ [Bid]
CDKI.com ⟶ $3,639 Value-Price ☆ 9 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $165 Price ☆ [Bid]
EPIY.com ⟶ $3,615 Value-Price ☆ 7 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $171 Price ☆ [Bid]
5-Letter Domains
Undervalued 5-letter LLLLL domains are usually either single words or pronounceables, and at this level, the list is almost entirely made up of .COM domain names.
Stand.net ⟶ $12,746 Value-Price ☆ 33 Bids ☆ 26-Year Age ☆ $830 Price ☆ [Bid]
Helma.com ⟶ $10,187 Value-Price ☆ 25 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $2,222 Price ☆ [Bid]
Stakk.com ⟶ $9,791 Value-Price ☆ 31 Bids ☆ 17-Year Age ☆ $1,536 Price ☆ [Bid]
Amics.com ⟶ $9,159 Value-Price ☆ 34 Bids ☆ 26-Year Age ☆ $511 Price ☆ [Bid]
Arkiv.com ⟶ $8,719 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $30 Price ☆ [Bid]
Btcat.com ⟶ $8,497 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Jporn.com ⟶ $8,119 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $15 Price ☆ [Bid]
Elinq.com ⟶ $8,098 Value-Price ☆ 8 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $42 Price ☆ [Bid]
Siwak.com ⟶ $7,024 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $35 Price ☆ [Bid]
Drita.com ⟶ $6,800 Value-Price ☆ 16 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $327 Price ☆ [Bid]
Funds.me ⟶ $6,541 Value-Price ☆ 12 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $57 Price ☆ [Bid]
Songe.com ⟶ $6,327 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $511 Price ☆ [Bid]
Sapsa.com ⟶ $6,142 Value-Price ☆ 11 Bids ☆ 11-Year Age ☆ $227 Price ☆ [Bid]
Pparx.com ⟶ $5,808 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Klikt.com ⟶ $5,566 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 18-Year Age ☆ $106 Price ☆ [Bid]
Oppty.com ⟶ $4,991 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $15 Price ☆ [Bid]
Goyap.com ⟶ $4,786 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Tiiza.com ⟶ $4,555 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Arked.com ⟶ $4,365 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Cuipo.com ⟶ $3,986 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
6-Letter Domains
Undervalued 6-letter domains are similar to their 5-letter counterparts, and are often dominated by .COM domain names and are usually word-based or pronounceable in some way.
Keycon.com ⟶ $9,032 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $531 Price ☆ [Bid]
Xglass.com ⟶ $8,490 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 10-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Metali.com ⟶ $8,397 Value-Price ☆ 41 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $632 Price ☆ [Bid]
Nftkey.com ⟶ $6,757 Value-Price ☆ 9 Bids ☆ 3-Year Age ☆ $55 Price ☆ [Bid]
Bantal.com ⟶ $6,447 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $155 Price ☆ [Bid]
Phenom.org ⟶ $6,264 Value-Price ☆ 15 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $436 Price ☆ [Bid]
Telana.com ⟶ $6,112 Value-Price ☆ 6 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $32 Price ☆ [Bid]
Perfit.com ⟶ $6,083 Value-Price ☆ 150 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $6,300 Price ☆ [Bid]
Recalc.com ⟶ $5,486 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $45 Price ☆ [Bid]
Itausa.com ⟶ $5,423 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 24-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Leesha.com ⟶ $5,338 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $22 Price ☆ [Bid]
Dietox.com ⟶ $5,288 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $17 Price ☆ [Bid]
Numine.com ⟶ $4,825 Value-Price ☆ 11 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $101 Price ☆ [Bid]
Jubbah.com ⟶ $4,807 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $45 Price ☆ [Bid]
Pallas.org ⟶ $4,665 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Devsrv.com ⟶ $4,600 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Kayeye.com ⟶ $4,317 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 3-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Ezpaid.com ⟶ $3,940 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 18-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Doanna.com ⟶ $3,554 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Mayxay.com ⟶ $3,535 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
7-Letter Domains
Undervalued 7-letter domains a highlighted by a combination of single-words, multi-words, and pronounceables, with these mainly being from the King camp.
Stockit.com ⟶ $9,023 Value-Price ☆ 44 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $1,076 Price ☆ [Bid]
Spamcop.com ⟶ $8,925 Value-Price ☆ 27 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $1,600 Price ☆ [Bid]
Altaqwa.com ⟶ $8,032 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $106 Price ☆ [Bid]
Picbook.com ⟶ $7,263 Value-Price ☆ 42 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $800 Price ☆ [Bid]
Tessler.com ⟶ $7,158 Value-Price ☆ 15 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $306 Price ☆ [Bid]
Eyefish.com ⟶ $6,080 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $20 Price ☆ [Bid]
Easyway.net ⟶ $5,765 Value-Price ☆ 38 Bids ☆ 21-Year Age ☆ $235 Price ☆ [Bid]
Localiz.com ⟶ $5,623 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 13-Year Age ☆ $15 Price ☆ [Bid]
Airbolt.com ⟶ $5,592 Value-Price ☆ 13 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $225 Price ☆ [Bid]
Herblog.com ⟶ $5,519 Value-Price ☆ 10 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $155 Price ☆ [Bid]
Heropet.com ⟶ $5,518 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Promnet.com ⟶ $5,153 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $55 Price ☆ [Bid]
Jettube.com ⟶ $5,036 Value-Price ☆ 16 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $103 Price ☆ [Bid]
Maglock.com ⟶ $4,708 Value-Price ☆ 50 Bids ☆ 28-Year Age ☆ $311 Price ☆ [Bid]
Pointsr.com ⟶ $4,702 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 8-Year Age ☆ $20 Price ☆ [Bid]
Chantiq.com ⟶ $4,608 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $22 Price ☆ [Bid]
Loldytt.com ⟶ $4,595 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Gclouds.com ⟶ $4,565 Value-Price ☆ 12 Bids ☆ 16-Year Age ☆ $155 Price ☆ [Bid]
Glopeon.com ⟶ $4,453 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 8-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Glassup.com ⟶ $4,245 Value-Price ☆ 7 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $65 Price ☆ [Bid]
8-Letter Domains
The 8-letter domains are also a fairly even combination of single-words, multi-words, and pronounceables, and once again these will be mostly .COM domains.
Secondly.com ⟶ $10,957 Value-Price ☆ 37 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $1,210 Price ☆ [Bid]
Teologia.com ⟶ $9,691 Value-Price ☆ 25 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $205 Price ☆ [Bid]
Gosummit.com ⟶ $7,714 Value-Price ☆ 16 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $185 Price ☆ [Bid]
Gamenode.com ⟶ $7,320 Value-Price ☆ 19 Bids ☆ 21-Year Age ☆ $295 Price ☆ [Bid]
Toprofit.com ⟶ $6,358 Value-Price ☆ 7 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $116 Price ☆ [Bid]
Currency.me ⟶ $6,270 Value-Price ☆ 21 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $106 Price ☆ [Bid]
Trendmap.com ⟶ $5,426 Value-Price ☆ 6 Bids ☆ 21-Year Age ☆ $51 Price ☆ [Bid]
Muabanxe.com ⟶ $5,308 Value-Price ☆ 8 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $45 Price ☆ [Bid]
Kidskart.com ⟶ $5,104 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $55 Price ☆ [Bid]
Azagency.com ⟶ $5,042 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $18 Price ☆ [Bid]
Blogguru.com ⟶ $4,894 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Bibulous.com ⟶ $4,736 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $30 Price ☆ [Bid]
Liondata.com ⟶ $4,514 Value-Price ☆ 27 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $700 Price ☆ [Bid]
Citysalt.com ⟶ $4,491 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Zonewarn.com ⟶ $4,225 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 7-Year Age ☆ $17 Price ☆ [Bid]
Gridcore.com ⟶ $4,082 Value-Price ☆ 11 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $132 Price ☆ [Bid]
Afxgroup.com ⟶ $4,050 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Carnexus.com ⟶ $3,760 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $27 Price ☆ [Bid]
Crossify.com ⟶ $3,707 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $27 Price ☆ [Bid]
Thatroom.com ⟶ $3,646 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
9-Letter Domains
The 9-letter domains skew more towards multi-words, with a few pronounceables tossed in for good measure, and where the vast majority of the auctions are .COM domains.
Executive.io ⟶ $12,701 Value-Price ☆ 16 Bids ☆ 5-Year Age ☆ $90 Price ☆ [Bid]
Powerhome.com ⟶ $10,724 Value-Price ☆ 41 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $1,675 Price ☆ [Bid]
Firstclub.com ⟶ $9,973 Value-Price ☆ 28 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $1,151 Price ☆ [Bid]
Freeindex.com ⟶ $8,846 Value-Price ☆ 13 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $225 Price ☆ [Bid]
Catsndogs.com ⟶ $7,959 Value-Price ☆ 8 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $255 Price ☆ [Bid]
Moneychat.com ⟶ $7,176 Value-Price ☆ 62 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $2,025 Price ☆ [Bid]
Opentrace.com ⟶ $6,631 Value-Price ☆ 9 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $50 Price ☆ [Bid]
Bbrothers.com ⟶ $6,462 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 7-Year Age ☆ $85 Price ☆ [Bid]
Mindzilla.com ⟶ $6,027 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 6-Year Age ☆ $180 Price ☆ [Bid]
Tattoobox.com ⟶ $5,742 Value-Price ☆ 10 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $306 Price ☆ [Bid]
Bodybrite.com ⟶ $5,547 Value-Price ☆ 7 Bids ☆ 13-Year Age ☆ $60 Price ☆ [Bid]
Terrasolo.com ⟶ $5,543 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 16-Year Age ☆ $30 Price ☆ [Bid]
Sharepics.com ⟶ $5,518 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $41 Price ☆ [Bid]
Delaterre.com ⟶ $5,508 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $27 Price ☆ [Bid]
Cityfunds.com ⟶ $5,479 Value-Price ☆ 6 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $35 Price ☆ [Bid]
Olivelabs.com ⟶ $5,459 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $83 Price ☆ [Bid]
Craftbeer.io ⟶ $5,212 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 6-Year Age ☆ $22 Price ☆ [Bid]
Jointpark.com ⟶ $5,193 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 10-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Civiclabs.com ⟶ $5,050 Value-Price ☆ 9 Bids ☆ 8-Year Age ☆ $52 Price ☆ [Bid]
Valuecars.com ⟶ $4,972 Value-Price ☆ 25 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $404 Price ☆ [Bid]
10-Letter Domains
The 10-letter auctions are getting into a size range where it’s almost entirely multi-word domains and predominantly sporting the .COM gTLD.
Sunsetfarm.com ⟶ $9,241 Value-Price ☆ 6 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $101 Price ☆ [Bid]
Mysupplies.com ⟶ $8,402 Value-Price ☆ 41 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $480 Price ☆ [Bid]
Mountfield.com ⟶ $8,351 Value-Price ☆ 43 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $2,325 Price ☆ [Bid]
Powerstart.com ⟶ $8,129 Value-Price ☆ 32 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $511 Price ☆ [Bid]
Pharmabank.com ⟶ $7,604 Value-Price ☆ 13 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $165 Price ☆ [Bid]
Mediamogul.com ⟶ $7,144 Value-Price ☆ 27 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $245 Price ☆ [Bid]
Greenshark.com ⟶ $6,973 Value-Price ☆ 98 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $2,036 Price ☆ [Bid]
Fundsource.com ⟶ $6,691 Value-Price ☆ 34 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $760 Price ☆ [Bid]
Nofakenews.com ⟶ $6,631 Value-Price ☆ 11 Bids ☆ 10-Year Age ☆ $55 Price ☆ [Bid]
Compmaster.com ⟶ $6,487 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $22 Price ☆ [Bid]
Sixnations.com ⟶ $6,411 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $55 Price ☆ [Bid]
Voltmobile.com ⟶ $6,328 Value-Price ☆ 6 Bids ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $35 Price ☆ [Bid]
Kbcreative.com ⟶ $6,139 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $106 Price ☆ [Bid]
Bootsource.com ⟶ $5,989 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $45 Price ☆ [Bid]
Legendaire.com ⟶ $5,132 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 7-Year Age ☆ $40 Price ☆ [Bid]
Urbangifts.com ⟶ $5,073 Value-Price ☆ 10 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $155 Price ☆ [Bid]
Closecalls.com ⟶ $4,835 Value-Price ☆ 9 Bids ☆ 24-Year Age ☆ $155 Price ☆ [Bid]
Livingzone.com ⟶ $4,815 Value-Price ☆ 13 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $225 Price ☆ [Bid]
Processpal.com ⟶ $4,789 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $22 Price ☆ [Bid]
Jerseynews.com ⟶ $4,731 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $15 Price ☆ [Bid]
11-Letter Domains
The 11-letter listings finally hit the tipping point where other than rare long words, we are mostly looking at two-word combos, the majority of which feature the .COM extension.
Coldcomfort.com ⟶ $8,503 Value-Price ☆ 7 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $155 Price ☆ [Bid]
Sinfonietta.com ⟶ $8,221 Value-Price ☆ 20 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $128 Price ☆ [Bid]
Veryserious.com ⟶ $6,955 Value-Price ☆ 19 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $501 Price ☆ [Bid]
Discountweb.com ⟶ $6,900 Value-Price ☆ 11 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $155 Price ☆ [Bid]
Artstrategy.com ⟶ $6,210 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $17 Price ☆ [Bid]
Testexpress.com ⟶ $6,150 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $20 Price ☆ [Bid]
Wearestairs.com ⟶ $5,902 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 5-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Teotihuacan.com ⟶ $5,654 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $55 Price ☆ [Bid]
Appleglobal.com ⟶ $4,447 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 4-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Naturalstep.com ⟶ $4,421 Value-Price ☆ 9 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $65 Price ☆ [Bid]
Growingsale.com ⟶ $4,387 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 13-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Awakehealth.com ⟶ $4,379 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 12-Year Age ☆ $55 Price ☆ [Bid]
Cafedeparis.com ⟶ $4,358 Value-Price ☆ 30 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $580 Price ☆ [Bid]
Designstart.com ⟶ $4,344 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $45 Price ☆ [Bid]
Lessonspace.com ⟶ $4,290 Value-Price ☆ 18 Bids ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $90 Price ☆ [Bid]
Beachnation.com ⟶ $4,079 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $50 Price ☆ [Bid]
Assetowners.com ⟶ $3,892 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 9-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Snydergroup.com ⟶ $3,891 Value-Price ☆ 10 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $74 Price ☆ [Bid]
Proportrait.com ⟶ $3,600 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 21-Year Age ☆ $25 Price ☆ [Bid]
Ssathletics.com ⟶ $3,463 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 16-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
12-Letter Domains
The 12-letter auctions follow a similar pattern and while there is the odd single-word that can hit 12 characters, this area is mostly relegated to the 2-word, and even 3-word, primarily .COM domains.
Freedomworld.com ⟶ $9,977 Value-Price ☆ 22 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $333 Price ☆ [Bid]
Salespartner.com ⟶ $8,868 Value-Price ☆ 38 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $1,702 Price ☆ [Bid]
Labelexpress.com ⟶ $7,951 Value-Price ☆ 14 Bids ☆ 28-Year Age ☆ $350 Price ☆ [Bid]
Ruralamerica.com ⟶ $6,948 Value-Price ☆ 6 Bids ☆ 4-Year Age ☆ $55 Price ☆ [Bid]
Atlanticsoft.com ⟶ $6,002 Value-Price ☆ 9 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $75 Price ☆ [Bid]
Villagesolar.com ⟶ $5,495 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $45 Price ☆ [Bid]
Chicagofirst.com ⟶ $4,745 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $17 Price ☆ [Bid]
Digitalrooms.com ⟶ $4,731 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $25 Price ☆ [Bid]
Cyberspacial.com ⟶ $4,726 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $17 Price ☆ [Bid]
Hammockcreek.com ⟶ $4,664 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $17 Price ☆ [Bid]
Learnnursing.com ⟶ $4,502 Value-Price ☆ 5 Bids ☆ 16-Year Age ☆ $30 Price ☆ [Bid]
Emotionfilms.com ⟶ $4,417 Value-Price ☆ 8 Bids ☆ 18-Year Age ☆ $101 Price ☆ [Bid]
Hempsolution.com ⟶ $4,407 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $30 Price ☆ [Bid]
Bethechanges.com ⟶ $4,166 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 6-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Softballcamp.com ⟶ $4,092 Value-Price ☆ 9 Bids ☆ 26-Year Age ☆ $85 Price ☆ [Bid]
Moseleygroup.com ⟶ $4,043 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Flaresystems.com ⟶ $4,032 Value-Price ☆ 12 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $63 Price ☆ [Bid]
Medicareohio.com ⟶ $3,549 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $15 Price ☆ [Bid]
Pattayabeach.com ⟶ $3,514 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Latinoglobal.com ⟶ $3,379 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Zero Bid Picks
Our No Bid Picks section is exactly what it sounds like, where we choose the top potentially-undervalued domains from those currently sitting with zero bids.
Weedstrains.com ⟶ $9,059 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Champs.io ⟶ $6,548 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 6-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Mediscover.com ⟶ $5,358 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Europeinvestment.com ⟶ $5,174 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Citizenfreight.com ⟶ $4,970 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Gearcloud.com ⟶ $4,966 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Teknologic.com ⟶ $4,794 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Acebuy.com ⟶ $4,730 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Sustainablecoin.com ⟶ $4,568 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 6-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Batterylight.com ⟶ $4,369 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 9-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Antiquerescue.com ⟶ $4,265 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Reefs.io ⟶ $4,208 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Intermech.com ⟶ $3,915 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Therapycoaching.com ⟶ $3,799 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 18-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Lawyercart.com ⟶ $3,762 Value-Price ☆ 0 Bids ☆ 10-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Potentially-Overvalued Domains
While we have been looking at domain auctions with high value-price ratios, what about the opposite where the GoDaddy valuation seems out of touch with current bid prices.
Along with GoDaddy totally missing the ball, this discrepancy could also be due to numerics being valued higher in Asia than in North America (as are hyphenated domains in Europe), a mistakenly-dropped domain pursued by both the owner and potential investors, or traffic hunters who prefer clicks & backlinks to domain resale value.
Pparx.org ⟶ -$28,597 Value-Price ☆ 39 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $30,095 Price ☆ [Bid]
Lovewithfood.com ⟶ -$17,789 Value-Price ☆ 30 Bids ☆ 16-Year Age ☆ $20,340 Price ☆ [Bid]
Endingspending.com ⟶ -$14,280 Value-Price ☆ 92 Bids ☆ 16-Year Age ☆ $17,000 Price ☆ [Bid]
Bosun.com ⟶ -$12,232 Value-Price ☆ 195 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $27,500 Price ☆ [Bid]
Painfoundation.org ⟶ -$7,696 Value-Price ☆ 64 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $8,350 Price ☆ [Bid]
Yourface.com ⟶ -$6,588 Value-Price ☆ 138 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $20,500 Price ☆ [Bid]
Ecorazzi.com ⟶ -$5,084 Value-Price ☆ 332 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $7,100 Price ☆ [Bid]
Gatherhere.com ⟶ -$4,393 Value-Price ☆ 62 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $9,995 Price ☆ [Bid]
Clic-ctsa.org ⟶ -$2,777 Value-Price ☆ 76 Bids ☆ 6-Year Age ☆ $3,000 Price ☆ [Bid]
Denveracorn.com ⟶ -$2,356 Value-Price ☆ 24 Bids ☆ 10-Year Age ☆ $3,550 Price ☆ [Bid]
Ripleysnewyork.com ⟶ -$2,268 Value-Price ☆ 141 Bids ☆ 17-Year Age ☆ $2,800 Price ☆ [Bid]
Meandwhitesupremacybook.com ⟶ -$2,156 Value-Price ☆ 50 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $2,660 Price ☆ [Bid]
Switchenergyproject.com ⟶ -$1,386 Value-Price ☆ 29 Bids ☆ 12-Year Age ☆ $2,565 Price ☆ [Bid]
77731.com ⟶ -$1,150 Value-Price ☆ 13 Bids ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $1,150 Price ☆ [Bid]
Chulabhornhospital.com ⟶ -$918 Value-Price ☆ 42 Bids ☆ 8-Year Age ☆ $1,625 Price ☆ [Bid]
We close off this Recap with lists covering off the Top Undervalued Auctions from the .NET, .ORG and Other (everything else) domain extensions with at least 1 active bid.
Top Undervalued .NET Domains
Stand.net ⟶ $12,746 Value-Price ☆ 33 Bids ☆ 26-Year Age ☆ $830 Price ☆ [Bid]
Easyway.net ⟶ $5,765 Value-Price ☆ 38 Bids ☆ 21-Year Age ☆ $235 Price ☆ [Bid]
ELOG.net ⟶ $4,972 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $20 Price ☆ [Bid]
Nusantara.net ⟶ $4,207 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Wemedia.net ⟶ $3,805 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Camcorder.net ⟶ $3,244 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 21-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
BREZ.net ⟶ $3,071 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Textmessaging.net ⟶ $2,024 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Livesafe.net ⟶ $1,987 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Infinitytech.net ⟶ $1,870 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Usproperty.net ⟶ $1,850 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 20-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Finalexpenseinsurance.net ⟶ $1,848 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 13-Year Age ☆ $15 Price ☆ [Bid]
Oyuncu.net ⟶ $1,792 Value-Price ☆ 7 Bids ☆ 23-Year Age ☆ $40 Price ☆ [Bid]
Textmessages.net ⟶ $1,709 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Entebbe.net ⟶ $1,693 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 7-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Businesscentre.net ⟶ $1,659 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 26-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Taxnews.net ⟶ $1,606 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 24-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Revolutionfitness.net ⟶ $1,532 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 22-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Themutual.net ⟶ $1,340 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 7-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Thevenin.net ⟶ $1,320 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Top Undervalued .ORG Domains
BBJ.org ⟶ $7,922 Value-Price ☆ 17 Bids ☆ 27-Year Age ☆ $190 Price ☆ [Bid]
Phenom.org ⟶ $6,264 Value-Price ☆ 15 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $436 Price ☆ [Bid]
Pallas.org ⟶ $4,665 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Colla.org ⟶ $3,943 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 2-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
88H.org ⟶ $3,917 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Pendants.org ⟶ $3,482 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 19-Year Age ☆ $17 Price ☆ [Bid]
Cryptochat.org ⟶ $2,810 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 11-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Groupchat.org ⟶ $2,740 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 17-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Hotelsnearme.org ⟶ $2,660 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 10-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Kyliejenner.org ⟶ $2,578 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Regulars.org ⟶ $2,554 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $20 Price ☆ [Bid]
Thestandard.org ⟶ $2,386 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Tying.org ⟶ $2,350 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 18-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Ciudades.org ⟶ $2,349 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Proba.org ⟶ $2,303 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 5-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
GERL.org ⟶ $2,044 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 25-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
SB2.org ⟶ $1,933 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 13-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Tequity.org ⟶ $1,911 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 12-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Betplus.org ⟶ $1,859 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 7-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
1185.org ⟶ $1,858 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 1-Year Age ☆ $10 Price ☆ [Bid]
Top Undervalued Other Domains
Executive.io ⟶ $12,701 Value-Price ☆ 16 Bids ☆ 5-Year Age ☆ $90 Price ☆ [Bid]
DRS.io ⟶ $7,660 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 6-Year Age ☆ $22 Price ☆ [Bid]
JAZZ.me ⟶ $6,862 Value-Price ☆ 4 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $25 Price ☆ [Bid]
Funds.me ⟶ $6,541 Value-Price ☆ 12 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $57 Price ☆ [Bid]
Currency.me ⟶ $6,270 Value-Price ☆ 21 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $106 Price ☆ [Bid]
DONE.io ⟶ $5,616 Value-Price ☆ 33 Bids ☆ 14-Year Age ☆ $5,049 Price ☆ [Bid]
Craftbeer.io ⟶ $5,212 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 6-Year Age ☆ $22 Price ☆ [Bid]
777.xyz ⟶ $4,271 Value-Price ☆ 11 Bids ☆ 1-Year Age ☆ $60 Price ☆ [Bid]
HOO.xyz ⟶ $4,021 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
SOY.tv ⟶ $4,015 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 3-Year Age ☆ $17 Price ☆ [Bid]
Epiphany.tv ⟶ $3,528 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 5-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
KENO.me ⟶ $3,257 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Dispensary.live ⟶ $3,070 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Sushi.guru ⟶ $3,032 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Sportive.io ⟶ $3,000 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 4-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Lionfish.io ⟶ $2,850 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 1-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Incall.io ⟶ $2,784 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 1-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
Firearm.tv ⟶ $2,771 Value-Price ☆ 1 Bid ☆ 5-Year Age ☆ $12 Price ☆ [Bid]
JOT.me ⟶ $2,731 Value-Price ☆ 3 Bids ☆ 0-Year Age ☆ $20 Price ☆ [Bid]
HDS.me ⟶ $2,682 Value-Price ☆ 2 Bids ☆ 15-Year Age ☆ $15 Price ☆ [Bid]
Disclaimer: This article contains raw data based solely on the characteristics of the listed domain names and should not be viewed as an endorsement or recommendation of any third-party services mentioned or linked to above.
The domain auctions provided may include affiliate links which help pay for hosting, upgrades, and other site expenses.