Top 10 Trending Keywords in .COM and .NET Registrations for February

Verisign has released their Top 10 Trending .COM and .NET English Keywords for February 2018. These are the most popular registration keywords used during the month, and can give us an inside view of the hottest trends, news, styles, events, and even people, as it applies to registered .COM and .NET domain names.

In last month’s keyword list, the Versign blog had dropped the CryptoCoin terms of December and moved back to more standard terms like like NEAR, CELL, DISPENSARY, STEM, CLAIM, and CAREER, and while these keywords have changed a bit in February, the overall trend is the same.

On the .COM side of things, we’re looking at popular keywords like HELLO, FAN, CHAINS, AFTER, and FUSION, as well as due to the Black Panther movie, WAKANDA. Other popular .COM keywords include ENGINEER and CLASSIFIEDS, which is about as basic as you can get.

As we noticed last month, although Crypto registrations have dropped considerably, there is still no cross pollination between the .COM and .NET lists, and the .NET keyword selection differs in many areas. Some notable top .NET keywords are HOUSE, MARK, CSGO, WEST, and SCHOOL. Financial terms seem to be more popular like FUND and MANAGEMENT, while the letter “W” powers the WORKS, WOOD and WHITE trio.


Verisign Top 10 Trending Keywords February 2018


The original Blog post can be found here.