Top 10 Trending Keywords in .COM and .NET Registrations for June

Verisign has released their Top 10 Trending .COM and .NET English Keywords for June 2019. These are the most popular domain registration keywords used during the month, and can help give us an inside view of the hottest trends, news, styles, events, and even people, as it applies to registered .COM and .NET domain names.

In last month’s keyword list, the Versign blog featured a wide range of generic terms and influences, with some having a definite link to real-world concerns. The .COM list was dominated by couponers, with COUPONS and COUPON sitting in the top 2 spots, and MUSHROOM and SHROOM were holding down the middle of the list. On the .NET side of things, the list was more socially conscious and keywords like ABUSE, CHILD, BOY, PAIN, and THAI are certainly easy to link up. For the third month in a row, there was no cross pollination between the .COM and .NET columns.

In June, the .COM keyword list starts off with the very relevant term LIBRA, which is certainly in reference to Facebook’s new and widely-promoted cryptocurrency, and also matches up with CURRENCY, the fourth keyboard on the chart. The second term SNAFU might relate to the military acronym, but it also may have roots in the constant Facebook (and other social media outages) taking place, and the fear that the social media giant could drop the ball on Libra. Other notable keywords include the easy CERAMIC + POTTERY link, as well as the seemingly-unconnected EMPLOYER, PSYCHEDELIC, IMPACT, REGENERATIVE, and MANUAL.

It’s no surprise that the .NET section of the keyword list also begins with LIBRA, as for a while in June, it seemed like that was all anyone was talking about. We also have a definite gambling trend taking shape, including the hot buzzwords CASINO, BET, and POKER, while CLINIC might be apt for those with a serious addiction. ASERA is an interesting one, as it likely applies to the Australasian Science Education Research Association, although there are a few other organizations that fit the acronym. Along with those, the .NET chart also features LONG, BOAT, LONDON, and DUST, but it’s mostly guesswork to find any direct links between those. At least Facebook and Libra came to the rescue this week, and saved us from another month with no shared .COM and .NET terms.


Verisign Top 10 Trending Keywords – June 2019

The original Blog post can be found here.