Top 10 Trending Keywords in .COM and .NET Registrations for May

Verisign has released their Top 10 Trending .COM and .NET English Keywords for May 2019. These are the most popular domain registration keywords used during the month, and can help give us an inside view of the hottest trends, news, styles, events, and even people, as it applies to registered .COM and .NET domain names.

In last month’s keyword list, the Versign blog featured a wide variety of influences, especially substance abuse with DRUG, ALCOHOL, ADDICTION, REHAB, and CENTERS, but also eco-centric terms like FREEDOM, REPRO, and EARTH, , as well as more generic capitalist fare such as BUYER, SELLER, and GOODS. The two keyword lists were also very different, and for the second month in a row there was no cross pollination between the .COM and .NET columns.

In May, the .COM keyword list started off with a very obvious trend, as COUPONS and COUPON held down the top two spots – clearly the couponing crowd is out in full force registering new domains. The legalized drug trade may be guessing on the new recipient after ganja-weed, as MUSHROOM and SHROOM both placed in the middle of the pack, FINEST is a prime keyword for recreational drugs while TRIAL is appropriate for those who guess wrong. Then again, MUSHROOM + PODS may refer to either the new Mushroom coffee pods that are popping up on store shelves or that weird mushroom death suit used for burial. Add in BIOCHAR (a soil supplement), BRING and SIMPLICITY and we’re done with the keywords. A very weird week for .COM with many potential interpretations.

The .NET section of the keyword list is another one open to interpretation, but a series of keywords including ABUSE, CHILD, BOY, PAIN, and THAI paints a very clear picture, especially with all the press centered on this form of child exploitation. APPLE and PHONE are easy to decipher, as are standard terms like ACCOUNT and LEND, while the pot-heads come in late with the ever-popular WEED. This is again a radically different list compared to the .COM keywords, and for the third month in a row, we have no shared terms between the two sections.


Verisign Top 10 Trending Keywords – May 2019

The original Blog post can be found here.